Federal Ministry of Works (FMW)
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Personnel of Borini Prono & Co (Nigeria) Limited removing existing deck and parapets during the emergency repair works on the collapsed deck slab of Jaji Bridge along Kaduna - Zaria road commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing in Kaduna State recently.  Personnel of Borini Prono & Co (Nigeria) Limited removing existing deck and parapets during the emergency repair works on the collapsed deck slab of Jaji Bridge along Kaduna - Zaria road commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing in Kaduna State recently.  Personnel of Borini Prono & Co (Nigeria) Limited casting concrete during the emergency repair works on the collapsed deck slab of Jaji Bridge along Kaduna - Zaria road commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing in Kaduna State recently.  Personnel of Borini Prono & Co (Nigeria) Limited undertaking the fixing of new H.T .Reinforcement  during the emergency repair works on the collapsed deck slab of Jaji Bridge along Kaduna - Zaria road commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing in Kaduna State recently.  View on completion of the emergency repair works on the collapsed deck slab of Jaji Bridge along Kaduna - Zaria road commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing in Kaduna State recently.Â