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The ongoing construction work on the  Potiskum Bypass which is part of the Dualisation of Kano Maiduguri Road Section III INSET Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde FasholaSANright being briefed by the Managing Director Messrs Mothercat Nigeria Limited Jack ElNajjarmiddle and Senior Projects Manager Mothercat Nigeria Limited Mr Raffi Kevorkianleft during the Hon Ministers inspection tour of the  ongoing construction work on the  Potiskum Bypass which is part of the Dualisation of Kano Maiduguri Road Section III on Saturday 18 March 2017 Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde FasholaSANright being briefed by the Managing Director Messrs Mothercat Nigeria Limited Jack ElNajjarmiddle and others during the Hon Ministers inspection tour of the ongoing construction work on the  Potiskum Bypass which is part of the Dualisation of Kano Maiduguri Road Section III in Yobe State on Saturday 18th March 2017 Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde FasholaSAN2nd left being briefed by the Federal Controller of Works Yobe State Engr Olusegun Akinmadeleft Area Manager CGC Mr Wen Hai Mingmiddle Engr Bala Rogo2nd right and others during the Hon Ministers inspection tour of the Dualization of KanoMaiduguri Road Section  IV Potiskum  Damaturu in Yobe State  on Saturday 18th March 2017 Personnel of Mothercat Nigeria Limited  at work during the Hon Ministers inspection tour of the ongoing construction work on the  Potiskum Bypass which is part of the Dualisation of Kano Maiduguri Road Section III in Yobe State on Saturday 18 March 2017 Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde FasholaSANleft being briefed by the Federal Controller of Works Borno State Engr Abubakar Usmanright  during the Hon Ministers inspection tour of the Dualization of Kano Maiduguri Road Section V DamaturuMaiduguri in Borno StateYobe on Saturday 18 March 2017