Federal Ministry of Works (FMW)
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The 60MVA 13233KV Mobile Transformer at Aja Substation shortly before its commissioning on ThursdayINSET Hon Minister of Power Works  HousingMr Babatunde FasholaSANrightGeneral Manager Transmission Lagos Region Engr Goeffrey Nwokoyeleft and and others during the commissioning of the 60MVA 13233KV Mobile Transformer installed by the Transmission Company of Nigeria to increase transformer available capacity at the Aja Substation in Eti Osa Lagos on Thursday 14th September 2017 Hon Minister of Power Works  HousingMr Babatunde FasholaSAN2nd right andManaging DirectorCEOEko Electricity Distribution CompanyEngr Oladele Amodaright General Manager Transmission Lagos Region Engr Goeffrey Nwokoye2nd left and Assistant General Manager Engr Adebola Lamina leftduring the commissioning of the 60MVA 13233KV Mobile Transformer installed by the Transmission Company of Nigeria totransformer availablecapacity at the Aja Substation in Eti Osa Lagos on Thursday 14th September 2017 HonMinister of Power Works  HousingMr Babatunde FasholaSANrightGeneral Manager Transmission Lagos Region Engr Goeffrey Nwokoyeleft and othersduring the commissioning of the 60MVA 13233KV Mobile Transformer installed by the Transmission Company of Nigeria to increasetransformer availablecapacity at the Aja Substation in Eti Osa Lagos on Thursday 14th September 2017 Hon Minister of Power Works  HousingMr Babatunde FasholaSANmidddle andManaging DirectorCEOEko Electricity Distribution CompanyEngr Oladele Amoda2nd right General Manager Transmission Lagos Region Engr Goeffrey Nwokoye2nd leftAssistant General Manager Engr Adebola Laminaleft and Assistant General Manager Technical Services Engr C Iwuamadi rightduring the commissioning of the 60MVA 13233KV Mobile Transformer installed by the Transmission Company of Nigeria to increasetransformer availablecapacity at the Aja Substation in Eti Osa Lagos on Thursday 14th September 2017