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Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde Fashola SAN2nd left former Chief Judge of Lagos State and Chairman of the occasion Hon Justice Ishola Olorunnimbemiddle Rector  Yaba College of Technology Engr Obafemi Omokungbeleft and others during the 32nd Convocation Lecture of the Yaba College of Technology Lagos  delivered by the Hon Minister on the theme Sustainability of Technological Advancement  A Key to Industrial Growth   on Monday 19th November 2018 Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde Fashola SAN2nd left Rector  Yaba College of Technology Engr Obafemi Omokungbeleft and former Rector Yaba College of Technology Pa GM Okufi right during the 32nd Convocation Lecture of the Yaba College of Technology Lagos  delivered by the Hon Minister on the theme Sustainability of Technological Advancement  A Key to Industrial Growth   on Monday 19th November 2018 Hon Minister of Power Works  Housing Mr Babatunde Fashola SANleft former Chief judge of Lagos State Hon Justice Ishola Olorunnimberight and Rector  Yaba College of Technology Engr Obafemi Omokungbemiddle during the 32nd Convocation Lecture of the Yaba College of Technology Lagos  delivered by the Hon Minister on the theme Sustainability of Technological Advancement  A Key to Industrial Growth   on Monday 19th November 2018