Federal Ministry of Works (FMW)
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Honourable Minister, Federal Ministry of Works, Senator Dave Umahi, Director, Highways South East, Engr B. U. Obioha and members of the press at the inspection of the Rehabilitation of Umama-Ndiagu-Agba-Umumbu Road Section II (Umuna-Ndiagu-Umunba/Nkwa-Ezeagu Express Obeleagu Section in Enugu State Project implementation chart Rehabilitation of Umama-Ndiagu-Agba-Umumbu Road Section II (Umuna-Ndiagu-Umunba/Nkwa-Ezeagu Express Obeleagu Section in Enugu State Rehabilitation of Umama-Ndiagu-Agba-Umumbu Road Section II (Umuna-Ndiagu-Umunba/Nkwa-Ezeagu Express Obeleagu Section in Enugu State